Saturday 19 January 2019

New Year, New Direction

It is really good to be back. 

I am glad to say that 2019 has started off at a running pace and that the first of my 3 court appearances for this month is already behind me.

The legal environment is not just busy with the same old things, though. It is often changing and I find myself having to adapt to stay on top of it. 

Some of these changes have been creeping up on us for years now, some of them happened as recently as November last year.

So- here is a quick summary of the new services that I am offering as of from this year:


Knowing very well that it no longer just a matter of sending paperwork to the Master and checking the post for their next directive, hoping to one day receive the pink slip saying that the estate's administration has finally been completed I have decided to be available to assist.

One big reason why I did not want to get involved in estates in the current state of things is that the administration of estates has now become more labour intensive with more difficulties to deal with due to a disorganised Master's Office in Pretoria and with more time being taken up by the simple tasks that involve visiting the Master's Offices. 

Another reason was that it is not litigation and that it can be a huge bore.

Well- now I see that the wheels have basically come off at the Master's Offices. If your Bank is the executor of your deceased relative's estate I can foresee a couple of walls that they are going to run into. Some of those walls, however, are put there by the Master failing in their legal duty to keep record of estates and supervise the administration thereof. Someone has to take them to court when all else fails. 

And yes- you have guessed it- I am that someone.

Debt Collection and Liquidations

Debt collecting in the Magistrates' Court has become really difficult now with debtors having become smarter and better at hiding assets and legislation removing more and more of the relief that we have been able to obtain against them without having to notify them.

By now I think we all know- give a debtor notice that you are taking steps for execution of a judgment against his assets and those assets will just disappear.

It is all good if we can accept that the debtor really has no assets, but you know that nagging suspicion that these scoundrels actually have huge estates or assets hidden away in family trusts or companies?

Well- I know that feeling all too well. That is why I am offering to wind up the estates of those debtors at the rate that I normally charge for litigation. And yes- you may ask me what it is.

A bit more about liquidations.

I have always been available to bring the applications for the order to wind up and left the actual winding up to a liquidator. The majority of liquidators that I know are based in Pretoria and even the ones that are here in Mbombela would not accept instructions to wind up an estate if it is too small. 

Well- this year I am going to give being a liquidator a go. 

Well- that's what is new here with me. I wish you all the best for this year and look forward to being of service!

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